The night before a jump is like the night before the battle. You wait. You wonder. You get ready. And you know, when you go ...
Whether you are looking for something to do in Arizona for a quick day trip, weekend jaunt, or week long getaway, the Grand ...
Texas is a state that prides itself on its particular spirit in independence. Largely, it stems from the famous Texas ...
A compelling exploration of the work of female artists on the frontlines, Margy Kinmonth’s powerful film explores women’s ...
The first truly global military conflict, World War I, scarred and reshaped entire generations of men and women. For many, it ...
Imagine seeing the pin, screw and rod-riddled X-rays of Marine Corps Cpl. Kyle Carpenter's injuries from a grenade blast in Afghanistan; reading the ...
The USS Nevada served in World War I and World War II and sat off Bikini Atoll in July 1946 during atomic bomb tests, ...
Continuing our Art Deco Centenary series, we take a look at Paris's Le Louxor movie theatre, a trove of Egyptian revival in ...
Dor Guez explores identity, history, and displacement, reflecting on conflict, memory, and personal narratives.
Carton de Wiart died in 1963 at the age of 83, but his exploits have inspired generations of service members in the United ...
David Sheff was only 24 when he famously interviewed John Lennon and Yoko Ono for Playboy magazine in September of 1980. He ...
The University of Warwick and the Imperial War Museums are advertising an AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership (CDP) studentship in Lithographs of the First World War: printmaking, propaganda and ...