Indeed, only a year before the appearance of Duccio’s work, the Palio, Siena’s famous horse race, was first run as part of ...
Frieze has shared a preview of the upcoming edition of Frieze New York, which runs May 7 – 11 this year, once again at The Shed. The fair will bring together a dynamic cross-section of the world’s ...
Vancouver — A trio of strong drill results from the San Antonio gold project, in Mexico, bumped shares of Pediment Exploration (PEZ-V, PEZFF-O) up as much as 46% last month.
Since 1817, seventeen marble figures from the the east and west pediments of the Parthenon, fifteen of the original ninety-two metopes depicting the battle between the Centaurs and Lapiths, and 75 ...
Frieze LA is something Angelenos look forward to year after year. The fair, which has had a well-established home at the Santa Monica Airport since 2023, returned last week (February 20-23). As usual, ...
When Frieze Los Angeles opened its doors to VIPs on Thursday morning, the mood at the art fair was undeniably optimistic — yet emotional — in the wake of the recent L.A. fires. “The energy is so good ...
By Hadley Meares Contributor Just weeks after wildfires devastated southern California, a muted but refreshingly serene and warm Frieze Los Angeles opened at the Santa Monica Airport. As airplanes ...
The modern art fair represents one of those great flattenings that are possible only through globalization, for all its goods and ills. On the one hand, it offers the unique opportunity to take in ...
The crowd inside the tents felt like family to many Los Angeles dealers, museum leaders, curators and artists at yesterday’s VIP preview day of Frieze Los Angeles. In danger of being cancelled ...
Frieze Los Angeles opened on February 20 at the Santa Monica Airport. Casey Kelbaugh/CKA Following Felix Art Fair’s energetic opening, Frieze Los Angeles took off at the Santa Monica Airport ...
In 1862, the architect Jakob Ignaz Hittorffdrew similarity between Petra's monument and a fresco belonging to the Second Style visible in the House of the Labyrinth in Pompeii, where a tholos with a ...