A standard time crystal is a new phase of matter that features perpetual motion without expending energy. According to Chong ...
Highly charged heavy ions form a very suitable experimental field for investigating quantum electrodynamics (QED), the ...
Article Views are the COUNTER-compliant sum of full text article downloads since November 2008 (both PDF and HTML) across all institutions and individuals. These metrics are regularly updated to ...
Due to the strong hydrophobicity of the stationary phase and similar structure to phospholipids, excellent separation selectivity for phospholipid classes compared to a commercial amino column was ...
The software ReciPro makes various crystallographic calculations, visualizes a crystal structure, simulates a diffraction pattern and high-resolution TEM image, indexes diffraction spots, plots ...
The effects of microwave assisted liquid hot water (MA-LHW) pretreatment on the chemical composition of Moso bamboo were investigated, and the fiber structure of pretreated ... MA-LHW pretreatment did ...
How can the activity of a protein in a crystal be assessed in a quantitative way and compared with its activity in solution? An answer to these questions for most of the protein structures deposited ...