Across the tri-state area, leaders face what they say is an economically existential challenge — how to keep locals from leaving their communities and how to draw more people in.
Lawmakers introduced 2,031 pieces of legislation through Friday, the first key deadline of the 2025 session of the Iowa ...
State lawmakers hit the 2025 session’s first ‘funnel’ deadline, which revokes the eligibility of bills that did not reach a ...
Other types of income, whether from contract work or investment income, get reported via a 1099 form. These 1099 forms start hitting your mailbox (and/or email inbox) in January (and even December ...
We're three months into the new year and another month closer to the deadline to file your 2024 income tax returns. The IRS started accepting tax returns on Jan. 27. Most tax advisors recommend ...
Most tax advisors recommend organizing your tax records — such as a W-2 form from your employer or a 1099 form for payments not from your employers — for a more effortless filing experience.
SALE: You can get an annual membership for 30% off. Take advantage now and be among the first people to know everything going on regarding Iowa football, men's and women's basketball, recruiting ...
If your business pays nonemployee compensation and other reportable payments, you must be aware of two forms: Form 1099-MISC and Form 1099-NEC. Many employers are likely familiar with Form 1099-MISC.
If you receive Social Security benefits, you’ll need the SSA-1099 form (or SSA-1042S for noncitizens) for tax filing. These forms are mailed in January, but if lost or missing, replacements can be ...
Students will no longer be able to list their gender as anything other than male or female on state university admission forms in Iowa, according to documents submitted to the Iowa Board of Regents.
Students will no longer be able to list their sex as anything other than “male” or “female” on state university admission forms in Iowa, according to documents submitted to the Iowa Board of Regents.