And that if nothing changes soon, it’ll be “Less for You. Worse for Germany.” Konstantin Richter is a journalist at work on a book about the history of corporate Germany.
Was an Details über einen der prominentesten Betriebe des Landes, das Restaurant "Konstantin Filippou" (zwei Michelin-Sterne, fünf Hauben), berichtet wird, ist heftig. Die Liste der Vorwürfe ...
Es geht mitunter rau zu in der Spitzengastronomie. Aktuell ist der Zwei-Sterne-Koch Konstantin Filippou mit Vorwürfen ehemaliger Mitarbeiter konfrontiert – unter anderem wegen des Umgangstons ...
Comedian and author Konstantin Kisin has hit out at censorship of free speech, claiming “multiculturalism has failed”. Speaking at the ARC conference in London on Wednesday, the host of the ...
Konstantin Razumov is a Russian painter known for his impressionistic portraits. Highly detailed, Razumov often focuses on young women in lavish clothing, though he also paints nudes and landscapes ...