Thanks to Chevrolet's new-found partnership with the boat fabricators at MasterCraft, why not just apply the Silverado's ...
Not every great idea nails it on the first try. Henry Ford designed and built nine vehicles before perfecting his formula with the Model T, and the Corvette didn’t even offer a V-8 engine until ...
Yes, we’re still building our crazy Volvo 240 GL with an LS1 Chevrolet V8 engine conversion. You might have thought we forgot about it but don’t worry, it is just around the corner now.
So, how’s the Volvo 240 GL LS1 V8 project coming along, we hear you ask. Well, it is coming along, but a little slowly we’re afraid. Over the Christmas break and all of that monkey business it ...
TALA is a diagram layout engine designed specifically for software architecture diagrams, though it works well in other domains too. TALA is closed-source. This repository is primarily for ...