“We now have the tools to search for them.” So, when aliens finally do reach Earth, don’t count on “little green men.” As for flying purple people-eaters... well, now we’re on to ...
A minute after I opened my computer, it started screeching. The three loud alarms were accompanied with flashing mushrooming blobs. I felt my heart clutch. No. No. NO-O-O-O-O! I was sure it was a ...
The Cave Creek version of the legend says that the UFO initially crashed a little to the south of where Carefree Highway is now. Considering that the location was relatively rural at the time ...
These may look like tiny green men in space helmets, but they’re actually the flowers of the aptly named man orchid, Orchis anthropophora. It is one of 56 orchids that grow wild in the UK. If you live ...