S aving money and trying to live more planet-friendly are two major lifestyle goals a lot of people are aiming for right now, and luckily, these goals go hand in hand more often t ...
Lemons aren't just for cocktails, cooking, and baking anymore. Here's how to use a lemon to keep everything about your ...
“But, honestly, since anyone can react to harsh chemicals at any time, the best approach might just be to make a gentle detergent your ‘new normal’ for the entire family.” ...
Follow these expert tips to help your dishwasher go the distance and give you first-class cleaning, drying and draining ...
The holiday season is over, and everyone needs a respite –even your dishwasher. After so many loads full of sauce, and heavy duty cycles, it is time to do some maintenance to keep our favorite and ...
Clean the dishwasher with vinegar: Start with an empty dishwasher. Place a cup of white vinegar in a dishwasher-safe ...
the wash water will likely not be able to reach all the surfaces of your dishes, Olsen says. And make sure when you’re loading items into the dishwasher, they are placed at an angle and aren’t ...
In the soapy water, use an abrasive sponge or bristle brush and elbow grease to scrub racks clean. The grease will have a ...
Many common disinfectants (containing things like ammonia and alcohol), hand sanitizer, and even Clorox and Lysol wipes, ...