Malaga Talent Award Winner Elena Martín on shooting spy thriller 'El Centro' and 'sense of community' amongst Spanish female directors.
A DRAMATIC shrinking in Spain’s rental housing stock has seen landlords become more discriminatory when choosing tenants, ...
The town house is being marketed by Granada Village & Country Real Estate in Spain, and has been called Casa Alamanda (presumably after its renovators Al & Amanda). It was put on the market on Friday, ...
Under the “multi-year” corporate PPA, Prysmian will purchase power from a 150MWp solar PV plant in the Viterbo province in central Italy.
A CRIMINAL fraud scheme worth 37 million euros has been broken up by the Spanish National Police. Perhaps as many as four thousand people could be victims ...
Our Father, Our President' tells the scandalous story of Catalan politician Jordi Pujol, starring Josep M. Pou.
Celebrity Michelin-starred chef Dani García dazzled Madrid last week with the gourmet event, ‘Costa del Sol-Málaga, Noches de ...
Building on bullish business between Berlin’s European Film Market and the eve of this week’s Málaga Festival Spanish ...
The European luxury real estate market has long been a magnet for affluent investors seeking prestige and financial stability ...
The industry area of the Málaga Film Festival will present fiction films in the post-production phase and introduce a new ...
L'area industry del Festival di Malaga presenterà film di finzione in post-produzione e ospiterà una nuova sezione dedicata ...
San Diego Comic-Con is officially set to kick off its first international event this September.