God of War (2005) and its 2018 reboot are both monumental games, each with distinct features. The original focuses on intense ...
Stories of dragons and mermaids have captured human imagination for several years. However, some of these legends may have ...
Today, there are multiple theories on what these mythical creatures might have actually been. For instance, cryptozoologists speculate that sea serpents are relict Mosozoic marine reptiles ...
Alternative cult hero SASAMI has now turned to pop and is creating some of the most boundary-breaking music around ...
Alternative cult hero SASAMI has now turned to pop and is creating some of the most boundary-breaking music around ...
Dinosaur' of the Congo is being seen by more and more people, as per claims. However, the reason for it might boil down to ...
“The Monona sea serpent has made its appearance about two months earlier ... This shadowy beast has taken on the name “Bozho,” likely derived from the Native American mythological figure Winnebozho.
“I want the guests to walk in and really feel the sails and the lines, feel like they are in a white ocean of sea serpents and monsters―things that relate to the mythology and lure of the seas.” ...
Nika perceived as a destroyer based on Elbaf mythology. Nika emerges as a destroyer ... The Earth God was enraged, and together with the serpent of infernal flames, shrouded the world in death ...
In the Final Saga, fans found out a ton of information about how the Devil Fruits were created in the first place, and even a massive hint on who created them in the first place.