An attentive passerby noticed something in a wetland in Sweden and picked up a rusty brown loop. The item turned out to be a rare Viking artifact. The finder, who chose to remain anonymous, visited a ...
BY DR. MANJIRI PRABHU* It was the Runes and Runestones that took me to Sweden. And Rune Divination. I have claimed previously ...
Norse is a Turn-Based Tactics game set in Viking-Age Norway where you build a settlement, forge alliances, and fight strategic battles.
Evidence of runic writing exists from the Roman Iron Age and the Viking era, but researchers have puzzled for years over exactly when runes originated. The enigmatic, spidery markings have ...
Numerous stones carved with runes found across Scandinavia bear fascinating messages, such as one about a powerful Viking queen or a warning for frigid climate change based on past events.