There’s nothing more magical than witnessing the calm and quiet beauty of nature. These gorgeous lakes might make it seem ...
Norway's proximity to the USSR in the Cold War led to it building many military bunkers – some of them vast secret bases.
Deep-sea fish adapt to some of the most extreme conditions on Earth. New research analyzing their evolution finds the same ...
Up to two-thirds of the fish caught never reach the dinner table. SINTEF researcher Line Skontorp Meidell wants to fix that.
The Saya de Malha Bank is one of the world’s largest seagrass fields and the planet’s most important carbon sinks. It faces incalculable risks that threaten the future of humanity.
The study found clear evidence of long-term changes to the sediments, with an 8-meter (26.2 feet) section of seafloor cleared ...
Thousands of northwesterners were disappointed when they failed to meet up with some hooligans in March. These hooligans ...
It’s November, springtime in Cancas, a coastal community in northern Peru, and the sea is calm; it only gets rough at the ...
Conservation officials say nature, not something sinister, caused a massive number of small fish to beach on a popular ...
A joint political effort at the highest level, combined with community education and awareness about cultural sensitivities, ...
Situated on the northern point of the Sea of Galilee, Magdala, at one point, was a robust fishing village. It was well known ...
As well as some of the darkest skies on the U.S. East Coast, it's also the nation's southernmost point. At 24.5 degrees north ...