Aeschylus, the father of Greek tragedy, died in 456 BC, relatively early in Pericles' long career as Athens' leading politician. He left a number of important plays that still survive today ...
Pericles, in an attempt to win the hand of the daughter of King Antiochus, accepts a challenge from the king. He must answer a riddle to win her hand but if he fails, he will be put to death.
As well as Cleisthenes, who took power in Athens in 510 BC and again in 507 BC, their famous sons included Pericles ... inviting him to take as much gold as he could carry from his treasury.
Gold, with its high value ... between the Persian wars and the Peloponnesian war, when it was ruled by Pericles.
35, 1904 Historical Value of the Twelfth Chapter ... Historical Value of the Twelfth Chapter of Plutarch's Life of Pericles This is the metadata section. Skip to content viewer section.
When Pericles solves the terrible answer to Antioch's riddle, his life is thrust into turmoil. He flees for life, into the path of famine, shipwreck, love, and fatherhood.