Shahid Kapoor took to Instagram and shared a behind-the-scenes rehearsal video of his track Bhasad Macha from the upcoming movie Deva, wit h fans making his comparison to Hrithik Roshan.
We’re Gonna Make It' is LANCO at their finest: authentic, emotionally resonant, and musically compelling. It's an arena-ready slice of joy.
Joan Brickner writes about a number of bills recently introduced in the N.D. Legislature, including one that would require ...
The president-elect’s incoming deputy chief of staff told lawmakers that early action would include directives to give the president more control over federal workers, as well as on energy and ...
For five consecutive days, wildfires fanned by strong winds have ravaged neighborhoods in Los Angeles, destroying more than ...
The ‘fresh start effect’ is a powerful motivator – but so is a recognition of the paths we have already travelled ...
California authorities have confirmed that 24 have died as wildfires continue to rage around Los Angeles on Sunday. Meanwhile ...
I call on my fellow Filipinos to look back in pride and embody ... Marcos loyalists perform “Naririto Kami, Grupo ng Luneta,” a song with lyrics pledging unwavering support to the Marcos family: “Sama ...
The world knew Jimmy Carter as a president and humanitarian, but he also was a woodworker, painter and poet, creating a body ...
All four were fond of American country and rockabilly, yet it would be drummer Ringo Starr, the final band recruit, who’d be ...
Rock and roll lost plenty of stars early on in their careers, but there has arguably never been a more tragic tale than the story of Johnny Ace.
Pam Bondi, President-elect Donald J. Trump’s pick for attorney general, refused to explicitly say that she would defy Mr. Trump’s pressure during a confirmation hearing on Wednesday, but she ...