Industrial pottery manufacture was developed in Jordan, southern Levant, Asia Minor, Tunisia and Sardinia. There are ...
Stunningly and unexpected, virtually all of the selections on view in this exhibition are complete. Co-organized by the Art Institute and Rome-based Torlonia Foundation, it is the first time works ...
The intensive documentation of Jerash began in January 1982, as the Department of Antiquities of Jordan invited the directors of various archaeological institutions that operate in Jordan to take part ...
Bienen and Communication senior Mya Vandegrift’s “Pythia” premieres as a fusion of opera and musical theatre Thursday. As Communication junior and producer Nora James Eikner describes, the performance ...
Croatia In 301 A.D., the Emperor Diocletian made a bold but ultimately unsuccessful bid to address the inflation that was rampaging across the eastern half of the divided Roman Empire. Prices of ...
Originally built in AD70 and then expended in AD90 – 120, London’s Roman basilica was a building unlike any other in Britain. Occupying nearly 2 hectares of land and standing at a height of up to 3 ...
Produced by ElevenLabs and News Over Audio (Noa) using AI narration. Listen to more stories on the Noa app. At first, Thursday’s festivities in Gaza seemed like just another sordid spectacle in ...