Few stories are as renowned as William Shakespeare’s classic tragic love story Romeo and Juliet, but that famous story is ...
This ballet is old enough to nab a Freedom Pass, but refuses to act its age. Kenneth MacMillan’s Romeo and Juliet premiered in 1965, but 60 years on the wrenching tragedy, stippled with detail, ...
As the play progresses, Romeo illustrates how passionate he is by avenging his best friend Mercutio's, death. He kills Juliet's cousin, Tybalt, and is forced to leave the city of Verona.
Indeed, despite the movie's massive success and its status as the film version Romeo and Juliet, the actors had only minor careers following its release. They are seeking damages “believed to be ...
Sir Kenneth MacMillan’s Romeo and Juliet continues to enjoy endless popularity, this being its third run by the Royal Ballet since 2019, but when the results are as good, there’s no reason why not.