The island of Sicily, considered the jewel of the Mediterranean, is a vacation paradise for all travelers seeking a ...
A lot of people are trying to get closer to admire this natural phenomenon,” a local mayor warned his community. “But it is ...
Crowds have come to watch Mt. Etna, Italy erupt, including snowsports enthusiasts.
Stay updated with the latest global travel and hospitality industry insights. Since 1999, TravelDailyNews International ...
In July 1943, the Allies launched Operation Husky, the ambitious invasion of Sicily, marking the first step in their campaign ...
Una massa d'aria gelida sull'Europa orientale lambisce anche l'Italia: valori sotto la media al Nord e lungo l'Adriatico. Le ...
A week of spectacular lava sprays on Sicily’s snow-capped Mount Etna, one of the world’s most active volcanos, has drawn thousands of people wanting to see the eruption. But the sudden influx of ...
Thousands of ‘danger tourists’ have travelled to the slopes of Mount Etna in Italy to witness explosive lava flows and ...
Pantelleria’s extreme conditions have shaped its centuries-old way of growing grapes—a method that is recognized by UNESCO.
PALERMO (ITALPRESS) – “Forza Italia in Sicilia ha raggiunto un traguardo straordinario con quasi sedicimila iscritti, un ...
L'interesse delle coppie straniere premia il Centro Italia (31,1%), ma aumenta l'interesse per il Sud e le Isole (29,3%), in particolare la Sicilia è una delle regioni più richieste e sarà ...
Fino a giovedì clima molto rigido soprattutto di notte al Nord con valori sotto lo zero per l'influenza dell'ondata di gelo ...