Robot humanoid dari perusahaan Tiongkok, Unitree Robotics, terlihat di belakang panggung Gala Festival Musim Semi China ...
Seiring langkah pemerintah China untuk mengintensifkan upaya perlindungan sumber daya perikanan di Danau Dongting, danau air ...
Sejarah mencatat bahwa banjir terparah terjadi di China. Rangkaian banjir ini disebut sebagai 'Banjir Sungai Yangtze-Huai 1931'. Banjir disebabkan oleh mencairnya salju yang sangat lebat. Ketika ...
[Penyesuaian Harga Pabrik Baja] 5 Maret, Harga Panduan Bahan Konstruksi Baja Anhui Changjiang: Besi Beton -20, Besi Beton Gulung -20, Kawat Baja -20 【Penyesuaian Harga Pabrik Baja】Pada 5 Maret, harga ...
Saat sedang asyik berfoto, dia melihat sesuatu yang belum pernah diperhatikannya sebelumnya, yakni sebuah gunung berbentuk seperti kepala anjing yang menjulurkan kepala di tanah di sebelah Sungai ...
Samsung Electronics has reportedly signed a patent licensing agreement with Chinese NAND Flash manufacturer Yangtze Memory Technology Corp (YMTC) to license its Hybrid Bonding technology for use ...
The mountain, which resembles a dog resting its head on the ground, is located on the bank of the Yangtze river, and has now become a draw for tourists. In this photo taken Jan 20, 2025 and released ...
When reviewing the photos, he saw something he hadn’t noticed before: A mountain shaped like a dog’s head rested on the ground next to the Yangtze River, its snout perched at the water’s edge.
When reviewing the photos, he saw something he hadn’t noticed before: A mountain shaped like a dog’s head rested on the ground next to the Yangtze River, its snout perched at the water’s edge.
In this photo taken Jan 20, 2025 and released by Guo Qingshan, a view of the "puppy mountain" which went viral over the internet in China seen in Yichang, a city in central China's Hubei Province ...