Shahid Kapoor took to Instagram and shared a behind-the-scenes rehearsal video of his track Bhasad Macha from the upcoming movie Deva, wit h fans making his comparison to Hrithik Roshan.
Joan Brickner writes about a number of bills recently introduced in the N.D. Legislature, including one that would require ...
We’re Gonna Make It' is LANCO at their finest: authentic, emotionally resonant, and musically compelling. It's an arena-ready slice of joy.
The president-elect’s incoming deputy chief of staff told lawmakers that early action would include directives to give the president more control over federal workers, as well as on energy and ...
Rock and roll lost plenty of stars early on in their careers, but there has arguably never been a more tragic tale than the story of Johnny Ace.
Scott Bessent lambasted the federal government's "significant spending problem," pledging an overhaul to bring the U.S.'s ...
Pledging Independence, Bondi Spars With Democrats but Echoes Trump Pam Bondi cast herself as an independent prosecutor who would keep politics out of the Justice Department if confirmed as ...
Folk duo the Bengsons talk about soundtracking the Broadway show 'All In,' covering the Magnetic Fields, making ...
The artists talk with Billboard Español about their collaboration: "My favorite moment in my life and my career is this," ...
Fresh off the release of 'My Way,' Yola stopped by CBS Mornings’ Saturday Sessions to showcase of tracks from the new EP.
Snoop Dogg has found himself facing huge backlash after performing at a party for Donald Trump ’s imminent inauguration. The ...
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