The $1.5 billion in capital funding over 10 years, part of the permanent Public Transit Fund, could hinge on the outcome of a ...
The federal government has committed more than $1.5 billion over 10 years for Metro Vancouver's beleaguered transit network.
The federal government has committed more than $1.5 billion over 10 years for Metro Vancouver's beleaguered transit network.
Members of the media are invited to a transit announcement with the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, on behalf of the Honourable Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, ...
Bus riders will pay $3 for a single bus ride — up from $2.50 — in the capital region starting April 1. The cost of a day pass ...
Year after year, TransLink ridership data indicates routes to UBC carry the highest passenger volumes in the region — so how ...
BC Transit is raising bus fares for some tickets in the Victoria and Nanaimo regional transit systems starting April 1.
The adjustments, announced March 19 by BC Transit and the Victoria Regional Transit Commission, are part of a larger strategy ...
Montreal’s transit authority, while being painted as the bad guy for wanting to clean up the metro system, has actually been ...
AC Transit is raising fares to adjust for a looming financial cliff while the TTC is cracking down on fare evasion.