Google Maps is one of the most useful navigational tools on Android. It enables people to preview a trip and plan for obstacles. However, knowing how to find where you are right now on the map is ...
Neskôr sa vyvinul do obojstranného zápalu pľúc, čo vzhľadom na Františkov vek a jeho doterajšiu anamnézu vyvolalo obavy. Katolíci na celom svete sa modlia za jeho uzdravenie. "Noc prebehla dobre, ...
Hneď po tom, ako pápež František minulý týždeň v piatok prijal vo Vatikáne premiéra Roberta Fica zo Smeru, skončil v rímskej nemocnici Gemelli. Dôvodom hospitalizácie bola infekcia dolných dýchacích ...
The Pope has been diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia but is in a "good mood", the Vatican has said. It comes after it cancelled Pope Francis's weekend engagements. In a statement, the Vatican said ...
Is Google Maps not working? The app is fairly reliable, but it’s not impossible to run into an issue on occasion. Of course, it’s never fun when technology isn’t performing as intended ...
Whatever is important to you, we’ve got you covered with these eight great Google Maps alternatives. Most of these apps are free to download. Many of their features are free, but there may be ...
Stretnutie sa zameriavalo na otázky mieru na Ukrajine a v Pásme Gazy. Premiér SR Robert Fico v piatok navštívil Vatikán, kde ho prijal pápež František. Stretnutiu dominovala najmä otázka mieru na ...