Happily, not much sun exposure is required for many people to meet their vitamin D needs. Ten minutes of sun exposure at a UV ...
Understanding Vitamin D Deficiency | Vitamin D Supplements for Deficiency | Healthapta Scientists Discover the Identity of ...
Taking two popular supplements and exercising regularly may help you age slower, according to a new study. But experts said ...
Vitamin D is crucial for bone health and immune function. When is the best time to take vitamin D supplements? Here's how to ...
Em 1943, o bioquímico dinamarquês Henrik Dam e o americano Edward Doisy foram agraciados com o Prêmio Nobel de Medicina pela descoberta de um nutriente muito importante para a coagulação do sangue: a ...
Here's what to look for: Fatty Fish: Salmon, mackerel, sardines, and tuna are excellent sources of Vitamin D3. Fish Liver Oil: Cod liver oil is a potent source, often used as a dietary supplement. Egg ...
De acordo com a nutricionista Veridiana Sass, a suplementação de vitamina D3, por exemplo, apresenta maior absorção e, consequentemente, maior eficácia contra a deficiência da substância do que a D2.