The failure isn’t on the part of the quantum mechanical particle, but on the part of our language itself.” CERN’s Shiva: A Cosmic Reminder The Shiva statue at CERN stands as a reminder that ...
The much-awaited Yellow Line of Namma Metro, which has faced delays due to train shortages, is set for an important safety inspection. The Commissioner of Metro Rail Safety (CMRS) will inspect the ...
Dark matter is an elusive type of matter that does not emit, absorb or reflect light and is thus impossible to detect using conventional techniques employed in particle physics. In recent years ...
In a YouTube video discussing the research, Microsoft technical fellow Matthias Troyer said: “Majorana’s theory showed that mathematically it’s possible to have a particle that is its own ...
Microsoft’s claimed breakthrough follows years of research into a type of particle that comprises a fourth state of matter, distinct from solids, liquids and gases. The existence of the ...
Courtney Davis is a designer based in Palm Beach and Jupiter, Florida. “My team and I have always been open to yellow as it’s always been one of my favorite colors, but we have definitely seen more ...
Antigua and Barbuda is providing further information concerning why the country will reportedly not be participating in the full free movement of all CARICOM nationals by March 31. The government ...
Candidate event displays of Higgs boson decaying into two muons as recorded by CMS (left) and ATLAS (right). (Image: CERN) When a new particle physics discovery is made, you may have heard the term ...