With the rise of omicron came the fall of long-lasting protection from reinfection with the pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, ...
After a brief moment when Americans came together to battle a virus, the pandemic accelerated divisions of all kinds. If it ...
The New York Times is interested in exploring how the response to loss may have changed in the last five years.
The source of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, remains elusive. With "low confidence," some federal agencies ...
An analysis of data from five countries found that fluoroquinolone (FQ) antibiotics were not associated with an increased ...
NEW YORK – The Central Intelligence Agency has assessed that the COVID-19 pandemic is "more likely" to have emerged from a ...
COVID has killed fewer people each year since the pandemic started, steadily dropping from a high of just under 6,000 in 2020 ...
US wage growth for lower-paid workers has slowed more than other groups recently. That has partly reversed the strides they ...