Kitty Dukakis, the former first lady of Massachusetts and outspoken advocate for people with mental illness and addiction, has died.
The official logline of the series states, "When a mysterious space vessel crash-lands on Earth, a young woman (Sydney ...
Congress is considering $880 billion in spending cuts, which could be achieved by removing all noncitizens from Medicaid and other welfare programs, which would save about $1 trillion over the ...
The wife of former governor and Democratic presidential nominee Michael Dukakis, Kitty was recalled by friends and family members as someone who was drawn to those who were suffering, worked ...
These establishments in Wayne County were inspected between March 10 and 16, according to Pennsylvania Department of ...
Rogue Judges Threaten Trump's Agenda as Republicans Push Back** In an alarming trend, certain judges continue to undermine President Donald Trump’s agenda through overreaching ...
The closure of state Route 140 into Yosemite National Park is causing temporary setbacks for local communities in surrounding ...
In a lawsuit filed last year, a Garden Grove family alleged their 22-year-old son suffered the brain injury sustained while ...
Sen, Josh Hawley suggested that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer inadvertently revealed that Democrats are behind the harassment of Republican members of Congress. Schumer came under fire […] ...
Check out our weekly list of new fundraisers from Lend A Hand Up, a nonprofit crowdfunding site supporting families in Cass, Steele, Traill, Grand Forks, Clay, Otter Tail and Becker Counties burdened ...
Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) is gearing up to confront a significant threat to the authority of the Executive Branch with the introduction of new legislation aimed at limiting the power of district ...