In Los Angeles, once the calendar page turns to fall, it means it’s time to start celebrating Halloween! When you were a kid, Halloween may have been a One-Day-Per-Year kind of holiday, but these days ...
Los Angeles Public Schools take three weeks off during the Holidays, leaving working parents in need of camps for their kids. Here’s a list of terrific Winter Camps in Los Angeles to choose from. Some ...
Halloween is such a fun time of the year — we can dress up in costumes and be as fanciful or as ridiculous as we would like. Whenever you need a costume (could be any day — we don’t judge), you need ...
Thanksgiving is coming up and most students in Los Angeles get a full week of break from school. Whether you’re working that week or just need time to prep the turkey and all the trimmings, ...
There are so many ways to celebrate fall in Southern California. A Harvest Festival allows you to enjoy the best of autumn — the sights, the sounds, the smells, the tastes! Many people want you to ...
The Country School is an esteemed Progressive Preschool through 8th grade school. We are proud of our renowned reputation for and steadfast dedication to social justice. As trailblazers of progressive ...
Parents want to know: When is Winter Break? When is Spring Break? What’s the last day of school? How long is Thanksgiving break this year? When does summer vacation start and how long does it last?
This is a guest post written by Yvonne Condes, originally published in 2014. Every year that my boys were in elementary school, we would make sugar skulls for Día de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) for ...
Homemade Halloween costumes are the best! It’s so much fun thinking up what to make and seeing how happy it makes your little ones to have a costume that isn’t like anyone else’s. Plus, they’re often ...
What’s the best part of any Birthday Party? The Birthday Cake, of course! And while some of us try not to count the candles anymore, it’s a must for our kids! One of the most important aspects of ...
Halloween is our favorite holiday, and these days it’s more like a whole season! Which means we’ve got more time to celebrate it. We like to stretch it out as long as possible, making sure to have fun ...
This is a guest post by Yvonne Condes, originally published in 2017. When my boys were in elementary school, I visited their classrooms every year and talked about Día de Los Muertos to celebrate our ...