人工知能(AI)がイノベーションの礎として歓迎される時代において、しばしば見落とされがちな情報の正確性と真実性の違いをよく吟味する必要がある。AIの予測や分析の正確性は人を ...
今年9月、国連加盟国は一世一代の会議のためにニューヨークに集まる。「より良い明日に向けた多国間の解決策(multilateral solutions for a better tomorrow)」のテーマの下、未来サミットで世界の ...
Every minute, an estimated 20 people are forcibly displaced due to conflict, persecution, or war. Of the 68.5 million forcibly displaced people worldwide, 25.4 million are refugees. Compounding the ...
To build greater understanding and awareness of traditional knowledge and inform action by indigenous peoples, local communities and policymakers, the United Nations University Institute for the ...
“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” This often quoted but infrequently practised quote from Albert Einstein tells us much about why some of ...
Food is culture. This is especially true in a food-obsessed country like Japan where the national cuisine uniquely reflects the natural environment, regional diversity and underlying value system of ...
How on earth can a non-binding international agreement create a diplomatic crisis? Earlier this week, international leaders gathered in Marrakech, Morocco, to endorse the new Global Compact for Safe, ...
「AI(人工知能)とグローバルガバナンス」は、AIに起因する国際的な政策課題の探究を目的として、研究者、政策立案者、企業およびオピニオンリーダーのために設立された包括的 ...
The bean counters at the World Wildlife Fund found that it takes more than 200 litres of water just to produce one cup of latte coffee (see video below). Water wastage is only one aspect of the total ...
Mr. Alejandro Argumedo is Director of the Association ANDES, a Cusco-based indigenous people’s non-governmental organization working to protect and develop Andean biological and cultural diversity and ...
Fuelled by a growing international appetite for leather, the industry represents a sizeable chunk of Bangladesh’s yearly export revenues — $284 million in 2007-08. There are about 200 leather ...
Jared Diamond famously stated that “the biggest problems facing the world today are not at all beyond our control, rather they are all of our own making, and entirely in our power to deal with” when ...