The monthly CPI indicator rose 2.5% in the 12 months to December. The top contributors to the annual movement were Food and non-alcoholic beverages (+2.7%), Alcohol and tobacco (+5.8%), and Housing ...
The monthly CPI indicator is a general measure of price change for goods and services purchased by Australian households. Prices are collected for a range of goods and services (the CPI basket) from a ...
Australia States and territories select series at Greater Capital City Statistical Area (GCCSA).
A 2.0% rise in the 13-industry aggregate Rises were seen in 10 of 13 published industries The largest rise was in Mining (5.7%) Year-on-year, rises were seen in 11 of 13 published industries The MBTI ...
All engineering construction work undertaken in Australia. Excludes construction of buildings such as houses and offices. Data is collected from primary contractors (not subcontractors) of projects. A ...
Aug-66 60.2 84.2 36.6 Sep-66 60.2 84.2 36.6 Oct-66 60.2 84.0 36.8 Nov-66 60.2 84.0 36.8 Dec-66 60.2 84.0 36.8 Jan-67 60.2 83.9 37.0 Feb-67 60.2 83.9 37.0 Mar-67 60.2 ...
Employee Earnings and Hours, Australia, May 2004 (ABS cat. no. 6306.0). persons who were marginally attached to the labour force, wanted to work and who were available to start work within four weeks ...