Calypso Technology Inc., a global application software provider of an integrated trading, risk and processing platform to financial institutions, today announced that leading analyst group Gartner Inc ...
Master data rationalization is the first step that organizations should undertake in their drive for master data quality. This article suggests 5 steps to successful ERP Master Data Rationalization.
Since 2005 KBC has been working closely with Bolero and already provides live multi-banking services to a number of its corporate clients. A new agreement signed today between KBC and Bolero further ...
PrimeRevenue, Inc., the leading SaaS platform for Supply Chain Finance today announced operating results for the year ending December 31, 2011, in which the firm continued steady growth in revenue and ...
Consumer technology markets are being redefined by a new set of consumer expectations and values shaped by global economics, technology and social change, according to Gartner, Inc. Analysts have ...
Students from across the EMEA region have gathered for this three day development event, hosted by Deloitte member firm leaders and IMD faculty, among other business leaders. This innovative ...
- Allocation of any business worldwide with a single, unique and universal ID, complementary to national ID numbers - Quality enhancements to client's company databases - Permanent maintenance of ...
Many CFOs want to partner with the CEO as a key Strategist and Catalyst for change. Yet, when we ask CFOs where they spend their time, most respond that they fall considerably short of this goal. In ...
Deloitte, the professional services and consulting firm, today announces Dublin as the base for the creation of an EMEA Financial Services Blockchain Lab as part of its FinTech initiative ‘The Grid’.
“There is synergy between risk management and internal audit, and we have limited resources.” “Risk management and internal audit fit together and we don’t have a better place for it right now.” Back ...
Trade finance revenues amount to barely four to five percent of corporate banking revenues. As small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) have become increasingly active in international trade, the ...
The front page of the latest issue of ComplianceWeek (November 2011 issue) has a lead article entitled: “Shop Talk: Conducting Internal Investigations”. The article makes interesting reading and I ...