Mimir IDE
The Mimir IDE features a full fledged terminal that provides admin/sudo privileges to its user. Anything you do on your local computer, you can do on the Mimir IDE.
Mimir Classroom Hosted Jupyter Notebooks - mimirhq.com
Jupyter Notebook documents hosted by Mimir Classroom provides read-only and graded cells to help build assignments for your students. All content created using the hosted Jupyter Notebooks documents or uploaded into Mimir can be exported and …
Mimir Classroom
Mimir Classroom will be shutting down on Sept. 7th 2022 Scale and automate your Computer Science classroom. Mimir Classroom provides the tools for instructors to efficiently teach Computer Science courses of any scale without compromising quality of education for students.
Mimir IDE 2.0, Saves Customers Time and Money - mimirhq.com
Jan 22, 2018 · The online IDE in Mimir Classroom is better serving users with updates like open/edit command support, keyboard shortcuts, and persistent settings.
Mimir Classroom Analytics - mimirhq.com
Mimir Classroom is capable of analyzing student stack traces and automatically providing feedback based on student errors. The analytics system also provides instructors with an insight to where students are struggling the most.
Understanding Common Errors In Java - mimirhq.com
Mar 21, 2019 · When we were building our automated common error feedback feature on Mimir Classroom, we analyzed millions of stack traces that our students received when completing their coursework on our platform. In this post, you will find the errors we found to be most troubling to students in Java and some tips on how to approach them.
Mimir Blog | Mimir Education Blog - mimirhq.com
Apr 18, 2019 · Mimir Education Blog | Do you want to learn more about education technology (ed tech) and how to use it to improve a computer science curriculum? Follow Mimir Blog for posts on thought leadership and classroom learning management system (LMS) ideas!
Mimir Blog | Mimir Classroom - mimirhq.com
Nov 1, 2018 · Mimir Classroom | Do you want to learn more about education technology (ed tech) and how to use it to improve a computer science curriculum? Follow Mimir Blog for posts on thought leadership and classroom learning management system (LMS) ideas!
Technically, Mimir’s IDE Is Different - Medium
Aug 15, 2017 · By default, Mimir’s IDE comes with multiple versions of Java and Python, Node, Go, Scala, GCC and G++ with Multilib, tons of popular libraries, and practically any default development tool you could want.
Open CS1: Mimir's 2018 CSforAll Commitment to Reducing Costs …
Oct 30, 2018 · Mimir, in collaboration with Mississippi State University, Ohlone College, and ten other U.S. universities, will develop and pilot eight units of free CS course materials to improve adoption of free digital textbooks and reduce costs for students.