What Is Purgatory? - Bible Study
The belief in purgatory is void of any serious doctrinal support. It is not a teaching inspired by God. It is a teaching that was first clearly expressed by the Roman Catholic Church as early as …
Is Purgatory Mentioned in the Bible? - JW.ORG
Purgatory is defined in Catholic teaching as the state, place, or condition where the souls of those who die atone for their unforgiven sins and are purified. b According to the Catechism of the …
Purgatory - JW.ORG
On what is the teaching of purgatory based? After reviewing what Catholic writers have said regarding such texts as 2 Maccabees 12:39-45, Matthew 12:32, and 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, …
Does Hell Exist? - Bible Study
Original words. In the King James Old Testament, the original language word translated as hell in all thirty-one places it occurs is Sheol.
What Happens After Death? - JW.ORG
Aug 1, 2015 · “I thought there were three places a person could go at death: heaven, hell, or purgatory. I knew I wasn’t good enough for heaven or bad enough for hell. It was not clear to …
Death | What the Bible Says - JW.ORG
Some envision life in a Hereafter —heaven, hell, purgatory, or Limbo. Others believe in rebirth as a different life-form. Others believe in rebirth as a different life-form. On the other hand, those …
Are There Levels of Heaven? - Bible Study
This writing describes, in graphic detail, his supposed "travels" through the realms of Purgatory, Hell and others, each of which is comprised of nine parts or sections. Recommended Articles …
What Does the Bible Say About Halloween and Its Origins? - JW.ORG
Halloween pumpkins, or jack-o’-lanterns: In medieval Britain, people “moved from door to door asking for food in return for a prayer for the dead,” and they would carry “hollowed-out turnip …
Meaning of the Number 666 in the Bible - Bible Study
King Solomon, after assuming the throne of Israel upon his father David's death, soon became wealthy. Although money streamed to him due to the heavy taxation of the Israelites (see …
Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Christians? - JW.ORG
If Jesus is the name by which people can be saved, do Jehovah’s Witnesses have a basis for salvation?