Egyptian Gods - Mythopedia
Nov 29, 2022 · Egyptian gods and goddesses were incarnations of both natural phenomena, such as the sun, and social phenomena, like knowledge. Egypt itself was ruled by a pharaoh who claimed to be the gods’ representative on earth, and who acted as …
Egyptian Mythology – Mythopedia
Egyptian gods and goddesses were incarnations of both natural phenomena, such as the sun, and social phenomena, like knowledge. Egypt itself was ruled by a pharaoh who claimed to be the gods’ representative on earth, and who acted as a mediator between mankind and the divine.
Mythopedia – Encyclopedia of Mythology
Mythopedia is the ultimate online resource for exploring ancient mythology; from the Greeks and Romans, to Celtic, Norse, Egyptian and more.
Bastet – Mythopedia
Nov 29, 2022 · An important member of the ancient Egyptian pantheon, Bastet was a feline-headed goddess who served as a protector of pregnant women and manifestation of the Eye of Ra. Originally a fierce deity, Bastet became more benevolent over time. Her aggressive tendencies were passed on to the goddess Sekhmet.
Thoth – Mythopedia
Nov 29, 2022 · As was common for Egyptian gods, the exact meaning of Thoth’s name was somewhat unclear. It is commonly thought that his name meant “He Who is Like the Ibis.” The Egyptians knew him as Djehuty, and the Greeks knew him as Hermes. Many Egyptian city names were derived from the Greek names of the gods that were worshipped there.
Ra - Mythopedia
Nov 29, 2022 · In ancient Egyptian, Ra’s name simply meant “sun.” As with many mythologies, Egyptian gods had a multiplicity of names. Ra had many other names, and was sometimes called Re, Amun-Re, Khepri, Ra-Horakhty, and Atum. Each of these names was typically associated with a different aspect of Ra’s being.
Anubis - Mythopedia
Nov 29, 2022 · This myth is a little different as it fits outside of the Osiris-centric mythological canon. Instead of the normal cast of Egyptian gods and goddesses, the ancient god Bata starred alongside Anubis. Anubis’s younger brother Bata worked on his brother’s farm. One day, while doing chores for his brother, Bata ran into Anubis’s wife.
Horus – Mythopedia
Nov 29, 2022 · Eyes were regarded as deities unto themselves, perhaps because irt, the Egyptian word for eye, closely resembled the Egyptian word for “doing” or “acting.” As irt was feminine, the eyes of masculine gods were treated as goddesses. When intact, the eye of Horus, or wedjat, represented maat—divine order. Any attack on the eyes, then ...
Isis – Mythopedia
Dec 8, 2022 · The etymology of the Egyptian gods’ names have largely been lost to time and translation. Nevertheless, some information relating to Isis’s etymology has been discovered. Isis was generally depicted wearing a crown resembling the hieroglyph for “throne.” Her name—as written in Ancient Egyptian—incorporated this glyph as well.
Ancient Egyptian Names - Mythopedia
Ancient Egyptian naming conventions go beyond Egyptian gods, merging personal and familial elements. Don’t forget the influence of hieroglyphs, which combined sounds and syllables into new meanings with a complex, compounded structure.