Home - International Council on Clean Transportation
GLOBAL EXPERTS, GLOBAL REACH. The ICCT employs professionals, woking hybrid and remotely, in Beijing, Berlin, New Delhi, São Paulo, San Francisco, and Washington, D ...
Welcome - International Council on Clean Transportation
Jan 13, 2025 · OUR IMPACT. We have less than 15 years to cut global CO 2 emissions in half, and 30 years to get to net zero if we want any chance of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. As we work toward that mission, we envision a future where leaders around the globe use the ICCT’s expert research and technical support to develop ambitious, coordinated policies to eliminate air and climate ...
Our Approach - International Council on Clean Transportation
OUR IMPACT. We have less than 15 years to cut global CO 2 emissions in half, and 30 years to get to net zero if we want any chance of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. As we work toward that mission, we envision a future where leaders around the globe use the ICCT’s expert research and technical support to develop ambitious, coordinated policies to eliminate air …
Research Brief - International Council on Clean Transportation
Oct 7, 2024 · Life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of U.S. sedans and SUVs with different powertrains and fuel sources. Building on a previous ICCT study, this work estimates that for sedans and SUVs in the United States, model year 2024 and projected model year 2030 battery electric vehicles have substantially lower life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions than internal combustion engine vehicles, hybrid ...
United States - International Council on Clean Transportation
Sep 12, 2024 · Gonca Seber, Researcher (San Francisco) ; Ray Minjares, Heavy-Duty Vehicles Program Director and San Francisco Managing Director (San Francisco, CA) ; Ilma Fadhil, Associate Researcher (Washington, D.C.) ; Dana Ju, Director of Development (Washington, D.C.)
Report - International Council on Clean Transportation
Dec 15, 2024 · Trends of new passenger cars in China: CO2 emissions and technologies, 2022–2023. The 2022/2023 edition of this report offers a statistical and infographic overview of the latest trends in the Chinese passenger car market.
Global - International Council on Clean Transportation
While much of ICCT’s work is focused on a regional level, some sectors—specifically aviation and marine—work across borders and require international collaboration. The two international governing regulatory bodies are the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Both agencies of …
tools for policy & research - International Council on Clean …
Our phase-in maps detail the global progress in transitioning towards zero CO 2 emission vehicles. Analyzed sectors in passenger cars, vans, light trucks, medium and heavy-duty trucks, and buses, highlighting the governments’ official targets for phasing in 100% sales of these zero-emission vehicles by specified dates.
Areas of Focus - International Council on Clean Transportation
Areas of Focus. The transportation sector, which is almost exclusively dependent on a single energy source, petroleum, and operates on infrastructure representing trillions of dollars of investment over many decades, must change radically in little more than a generation.
Newsletter - International Council on Clean Transportation
Research, analysis, and data on global advancement in clean transport. Keep up with our research by signing up for our newsletters. The International Council on Clean Transportation will use the information you provide on this form to send you …